Why did you build Mt Lemmon Cabin Rental?

Well, I can't give you a quick answer unless I can tell you the whole story.  OK?

Back in 1966 - 1976 I was in the Exhibit trade show building business. Two years into working for Kuff Assoc, in Bladensburg Maryland, I was offered a partnership to join John Goudie (a 7 yr past employee) in his new exhibit service business. He had gained much favor from years working with AT&T managing their exhibit setups nation wide.

After my divorce in 1972 and the selling of our house in Oxen Hill, Maryland, I purchased a townhouse in downtown Washington, DC and moved closer to my office on 'K' street.  At that time John Goudie and I expanded our exhibit building business to also include setting up Airline travel displays in and around DC.

For the next two years we had most of the Airline business and even helped in the changing the name of Friendship International into BWI, Baltimore Washington International Airport. Dulles and BWI airports are about the same driving distance from downtown DC.

During that time I was even invited to fly United's first 747 nonstop Dulles to Hawaii roundtrip. WOW?

It wasn't long after that time my partner John Goudy landed us a contract with AT&T to manage their entire USA exhibit Trade Show schedule with over 100 shows yearly. Back in those days the Bell System owned the entire telephone business. A true monopoly.
To honor that contract John and I decided to move out of DC and set up a new location in Clinton, Maryland.  Not far from Andrews AFB, south of Washington DC.
During that change out of DC I was fortunate to rent my townhouse to a new congressman and was able to purchase a new RV.  Now I had my own living quarters anywhere AT&T needed me.

I had a great house on wheels but I also needed some classy wheels to go with it.

My 924 Porsche just made it perfect. Especially to help take friends to dinner after a hard day on the exhibit floor.

The 1970 Picture Phone.  Can you imagine how popular this new AT&T phone will be?

During those early days of traveling for AT&T I received a call from an old sign painter friend I worked with in Tucson. He needed a solution for a client and thought my past Bus Bench silk screening experience could help. So he shared his dilemma.  Could I help?  You Bet!

As soon as my helpers take down this exhibit tommow here in LA, I'll be heading down to Phoenix to see what you need and then a visit with my grandparents in Tucson.

You now have some choices:
 - Who bought your Cabin Rentals ?
 - Continue what happened in Phoenix?
 - What happened after selling Cabin Rentals? 
 - What happened after the 2003 fire?

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