
The News story picture you see with the burned out remains of a propane tank is all that remained of my original property after the 2003 fire. The original Mt Lemmon Cabin Rental was totally destroyed.

It is a 27-mile drive to the top of Mt. Lemmon transporting drivers from the desert floor to the pine forest at the top. Tucsonans have several names for the winding road. The most popular names are Catalina Highway and Mt. Lemmon Highway. But the actual name of the road is General Hitchcock Highway, in honor of Frank Harris Hitchcock.

Construction on Hitchcock's highway to Mt. Lemmon began in 1933. They even built a prison camp on the mountain, using prisoners to help construct the highway.

The General Hitchcock Highway was finished in 1950, 17 years after construction began.

Ray sold this property in 1986 when he started Rayzist Photomask in Tucson in1983.

Click on the video to see the 2013 story of the rebuilding of Summerhaven on Mt Lemmon after the 2003 fire. The picture you see is the new Cookie Cabin built on Ray's property.

Summerhaven was the little town where God shared His secret with Ray of how He wrote the 10 Commandments on stone for Moses.

View the ORIGINAL Mt Lemmon Cabin Rentals Built by Ray

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