
Let me take you back to a little story that happened to me in the fall of 1998.


I was standing near by watching as Steven Runolfson, co-owner of La Caille at Quail Run, as he was showing a young boy a bird on his spacious grounds when Stinker the camel suddenly attacked.  The child escaped, but Stinker pinned 45-year old Steven and began to stomp, maul and bite him.


I was watching near by and immediately jumped into the enclosure and began punching and shoving the camel to get him to stop attacking Steven.  It worked and the camel backed away.


Steven sustained eight broken ribs and a partly collapsed lung.  He was taken in serious condition to the intensive care unit of LDS Hospital.  I ended up getting bit in a number of places and even had Stinker grab me by my head.  I also made a trip to the hospital and got patched up. 


What are the odds on being attacked by a camel?