
Ray Age 12  - 13 


Age 13 1952 - Tucson, Early in the Spring I fell off a lawn chair, trying to shake loose a toy glider that was caught in our front yard tree.  I ended up breaking my left wrist.  My dad came rushing home from work to take me to Saint Mary's Hospital to get it set.  That was an experience hard to forget.

Neighborhood friends The Cicala Boys


The summer of 1952 Mom & Dad planned on taking Larry and I on a big trip back to New York.  We left New York in 1947.  My Dad purchased a low mileage 1950 Ford Coupe for our trip back East.  With a stop in Maryland to visit Uncle Bill, Enid, Bobby and Jan.  During our trip back East I got to see Television for the very first time in the motels lobby.  I remember the Ed Sullivan Show in Black & White.  I thought it was fantastic.  At that time they did not have Television in the motel rooms.


When we got to Uncle Bill's he already had a large 15 inch set and I was delighted again to watch everything that was on.  For a birthday gift Uncle Bill gave me a used 6" TV to take back to Tucson.


If you click on the video to your left you will see my Uncle Billy and Aunt Enid with little Jan plus Bobby at the door.

It would be another year before Tucson had it's first KOLD TV station. (I worked for them the summer after graduating Catalina High School in 1957)


While we were on the East Coast we stayed at my mom's cousin, Ann's house in Staten Island, and did day trips visiting the Bronx, Long Island and New York City.  It was a great trip and on our way back we even went all the way down to Miami.  Our total trip lasted over a month before we got back to Tucson.

More details about my Junior High School years coming soon.

Next chapter in my life: Ray 1954-1957  back to Ray's 

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