Robert Zukowski is my 1st cousin and I met him the summer of 1951 when my family made the trip back east to visit all our relatives.

The video you see under the Slide Show window captured the moments I most remember of him.

I didn't see Bob again until 1998 in Las Vegas when my mom invited our entire family to a Family Reunion.

It was a great time for all of us cousins to meet again.  My mom Stella and uncle John were our only living seniors to be with us.  My mom died less than a year later.

Bob and I didn't have much time to talk but I did discover he was a CPA with his own office in Richmond, VA.  He was never married and keeps a very low profile and told me he does not like posting anything on the Internet.  I don't know if he will ever see these memories that I had of him, but would love to have him share something about his life and things he found interesting.

Until we meet again.